Rockwell Manor Guest Bedroom

When we ripped up the carpet the floors were a disaster! We thought about taking out the plywood and patching, but realized that since it was off of the kitchen we could just install right over and that would get us to a floor height even with the tile
(fun fact: most likely under the kitchen tile is this same maple flooring).

We wanted to keep the design pretty minimal because of the narrow structure, so keeping it very modern was the way to go. Savannah created the art pieces above the bed and I made the bookshelves. We lean towards neutral color schemes that seem more classic and timeless, but we couldn’t resist this deep velvet green chair!


Lastly, we want to mention the bedside sconces.

In apartments you are so limited by what the existing electrical is and this rooms lighting was terrible. A friend suggested plug-in sconces. So we found these at IKEA and they worked perfectly! Literally wanted to move them to our bedroom we loved them so much, but we saved them for our guests.


Rockwell Manor Living Room